College Life

August 30, 2017

In the springtime I became good friends with a girl during my senior year of college. She had come to know the Lord 2 years prior to this point, and myself about the same. When she came to know Him, she had a friend's mom pouring into her life - and one day these cards came into play. After drawing a couple of them, she decided to buy them and bring them out when she felt as though the Spirit led her to for friends who needed it.

One of those friends was me - when I was feeling down about life, and unsure of my purpose starting my full-time job at the end of May, and leaving everything I was used to & making new community, while also transitioning from being friend to boss at this new job. I pulled one out that said - "you are...EXCELLENT" Towards the end it talks about how the new season is going to allow you to walk away from past sadness and embrace the new plans the Lord has - that you are significant and He is opening doors of great purpose for you. I so needed this and it completely changed my mindset overnight about the things that were to come and the new season of life I was entering into.

These cards are making a difference for people - they have impact here and in other countries, as I know they were used when friends entered into communities in Africa this summer. The Lord is being made known, and seeds are being planted.

Thank you for what you do!

Bailey C