
January 7, 2023

I received one of your cards at a women’s breakfast that was at our church, called Breakfast with the King, in March of last year.

Every place setting had a card, words down at the table. There were no assigned seats, you just picked your spot and sat wherever, with the rule of don't look at the cards.

Once everyone was seated, we looked at the cards. Mine, and several around me, were spot on. There were tears. There was confirmation.

Not only did I get a word from your card, a lady at the church also gave me a word in person. Both are coming to fruition. I'm attaching my card.. I am a writer. I hadn't written for over 10 years... I have since started writing again.

Back story.. I had just started going to this church a few months prior. Nobody there really knew me.

I keep this in my Bible.

Amber K