For most of my life I have been a person who would want things completed before I started them. You may be thinking…That’s not even possible…oh, but it is…let me explain.
I would get everything done before I would show the world what I was doing. It was easy for me to make everything look good ‘behind the scenes’…and then voila…perfection in the presentation. I would have to say this quality has been more of a hindrance in my life than a strength. Many times I would choose not to ever let my ‘projects’ be seen because to me they weren’t complete yet…that may be the reason I have struggled with starting things and never truly finishing them.
Well…today for the first time in my life I am choosing to embrace that I am a “WORK IN PROGRESS”…that being said…a work in progress can let the world see imperfection along the journey, a work in progress understands there will be set backs and detours, but that forward motion still happens. As a work in progress I am becoming okay with letting the world see my struggles as I navigate the journey the Lord has called me to. I hope by being more vulnerable and authentic in my journey…it will give permission to others to do the same.
We are all WORKS IN PROGRESS…and that’s okay!
My biggest challenge currently is the web site for I had everything set up on one site and was ‘comfortable’ with it…then a friend said I really needed a site where I could easily do commerce (aka sell things)…so, she was SO KIND to get things set up for me and spent many hours doing it…I am thankful:) However, I now have many ‘to do’ items to add to the site...and honestly, it is not my gifting – so I have been dragging my feet. I didn’t want people going to a site that wasn’t ‘complete’...and in all honesty is anything in life ever really complete…I think it is all a work in progress!!
So, I am humbly coming out to the world as a….WORK IN PROGRESS!!! I am not always shiny and polished and well spoken. I am not always put together and knowledgeable, and I am definitely NOT complete!!! I am a WORK IN PROGRESS, please join me on this journey …embrace where you have come from and embrace where the good Lord is leading you…along the journey of progress we all can experience life. It’s about being okay with the authentic you and being okay with the world seeing you in PROGRESS.
Stop back at weekly. I will be 'progressing' as time goes. I will be adding things and getting the 'buy' tab up and running. I will be writing randomly with some topics being short and some long, some a paragraph and others a series. I am being open to whatever thoughts pop into my head and I am trusting God to write those things through me where they can be understood…and even if they’re not understood that’s okay…after all, I am a work in progress!