
I love to see people shine. I don’t want to be the cause for someone else’s shine to dull. Many years ago these words dropped into my thoughts and these words described me perfectly…“My desire in life is not to have my presence known, but to have my…

I love to see people shine. I don’t want to be the cause for someone else’s shine to dull. Many years ago these words dropped into my thoughts and these words described me perfectly…

“My desire in life is not to have my presence known, but to have my impact felt.” ~DMM

Reading that phrase will bring literal tears to my eyes.

With the passing of each year it seems so many are bent on dulling the shine of others and wanting their ‘viral’ moment. Fame is a liar that makes you think there is joy when it is attained, but reality is the exact opposite. Why do people want to be seen so badly? Or maybe I should rephrase that…Why do people want to be seen so badly by people who don’t even know them? I’m certain an empty soul is one of the big reasons.

We, as a society should work on perfecting contentment. Contentment isn’t settling for less; it is finding joy where you currently are. Contentment isn’t a dead end, it’s a resting spot that can offer true joy and peace if you allow it to. We can be reaching forward while we are sitting still, we can be focused on tomorrow while today has a pleasant calm. Contentment is a place of accepting who you are completely…flaws and all. A place of contentment is letting the world see that even when we don’t have it all together in some fashion we actually do have it together. Contentment doesn’t compare itself to someone else’s contentment nor does it boast in another’s lows or feel inadequate with another person’s highs.

Contentment doesn’t need or want substances to alter its state of being. Contentment doesn’t feel like a failure and contentment is joyful and happy for other’s achievements. Contentment isn’t threatened by the forward motion of others and it doesn’t compete to be seen. It relishes in the peace, calm and joy of the moment. It knows tomorrow can throw curve balls and it chooses to enjoy the moment while still preparing for the randomness that tomorrow can bring.

I truly believe Contentment is a word that could offer much to you in 2020 if you choose to embrace it for what it is. It is being good with who you are in the moment. It is knowing you may not be where you want to be yet, but it is thankful for what you have overcome. It is thankful you are in this place and that you can appreciate the journey and celebrate the stillness and peace that Contentment offers.

Contentment isn’t giving up. Contentment isn’t a place of failure nor is it a place of distress. Contentment is being secure in who you are in the current moment. Contentment is knowing God himself created you and each place you arrive is a place where God offers rest and reflection.

In 2020 choose to reflect and find peace in being content in each day as you walk the path of your journey well.