
February 16, 2016

When I first started college at North Central, I was a commuter and was only there for class and then I would leave, go to work and do other things. I honestly had two friends from college and I always sat by myself during chapel. It was there that the Lord started challenging me in ways that I had never been challenged. Pushing me to care more about what He thinks than what others think of me.

One day during chapel they had a time that we could come up and find a place to be by ourselves to focus in and listen to the Lord. I don't remember exactly what I was going through at that time but I know that I was hurting. I was crying out to God. After a while I felt a hand on my shoulder and a young woman spoke over me and said "God wants to use you to bring joy to others." I never found out who she was but I knew that it was truth.

It has stuck with me to this day and I have prayed since I was 12 "God use me for Your glory."

I got this card from a friend a few weeks ago, she told me to pick any card. (They were facing down so I couldn't see what it said.) I pulled out this card and once again got the confirmation that God wants to use me.

I hope that somehow this encourages you to seek God in the times where we don't understand what He is up to and to trust Him. He will use you in mighty ways if you let Him.

Ballie K

February 12, 2016

Hi there - My name is Bailie K & my friend Jodi told me about your website, and she mentioned that you also sell the encouraging prophetic words! Jodi thought it would be a cool idea to bless the guests that are attending my wedding with You are Cards! And I quite agree :)

Thanks so much

Bailie K

Embrace Opportunity

God does not cease to AMAZE me. I truly think I walk around in AWE most of the time at what He does!:)

Here’s the story...

We were waiting in line to get into Country Night at Lakefront days. There were some ‘street preachers’ preaching doom and gloom. So, I decided to have some people pick You Are Cards that were in line with us.

One girl picked You Are Loved. She said, “Wow...That verse is my tattoo”:) It was so cool! Her friends were stunned. One of the friends said...”now that’s how you tell people about God”... (As the ‘street preachers’ were yelling) the timing was FABULOUS!!!

I ABSOLUTELY love how God shows up! I cannot imagine how encouraging it had to be to that girl!

I was wondering...what is the actual ‘probability’ of this happening? I then came to the conclusion that it falls in the category of ‘God Probability’. ‘God Probability’ does not apply to our natural probabilities. There is no percentage marker that can calculate ‘God Probability’.

I truly hope your life is full of ‘God Probability’ and even when natural probability is slim to none...’God Probability’ says...”watch and see what God is going to do”! Now that is an EXCITING place to live!

The Greatest

I had a Jewelry show Saturday for my worship team friend MIMI  (who I've given cards to before).  At the end of the show just she and I plus 2 other ladies were just hanging and chatting when mimi says "you should grab your cards."  I was a bit hesitant because one lady I wasn't sure if she was a believer and because she is going to be the new assistant at my husbands office I did not want to make her feel akward, so I just said " these are Christian encouragement cards, are you a believer"? 

She said yes so ... She chose a card.  YOU ARE THE GREATEST.  That's all she could read before totally tearing up, so Mimi read the rest of the card to her and after it was read---  and the scripture was read  this is what she said to us : 

"My mom was my hero, she raised 19 kids (10 of which she adopted). She died 11 years ago and the words they wrote on her programs and on the cards that people took home was: 
THE GREATEST.  Plus the scripture reference on the card you wrote was the scripture they used on her mom's programs . 

-Alisa R.