Kindness changes everything and encouragement changes the world around you. Be an encourager.
You are INFLUENCER. With your help these cards are spreading throughout many nations and with the Lord's help the world. I pray the Lord will encourage you as you encourage others. I pray that your heart would be filled with abundance and your spirit soar with the plans the Lord has for you. Together we can make an eternal difference. You have no idea the people you will touch by handing these cards out. You very well may be the one that encourages the next Mother Teresa to fulfill her destiny.
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”
Facts about the cards
- There are 100 unique individual cards.
- Each of these cards has been spoken by the Holy Spirit and written down by Dawn Mahoney.
- God moves on each person as they read the card out loud.
- The Holy Spirit orchestrates the card each person receives.
- They were started in the United States and have traveled to many nations such as England, South Africa, Mozambique, Australia, Uganda, Sweden, Switzerland, Panama, Germany, Scotland, China, New Zealand, Nigeria, Colombia, Nepal, Canada, Slovakia and more.
- It's easy to hand them out! Join the Revolution.